Tiled 0.17.2 released

28 November 2016 • Thorbjørn Lindeijer

Tiled 0.17.2 is just a small release with a few bug fixes. Potentially most importantly, it downgrades Qt from 5.7 to 5.6.2 for the OS X release because of crashes reported when Tiled is compiled against Qt 5.7.


  • Fixed bug with editing type and name for multiple objects
  • Fixed ability to change the image of a tile in an image collection tileset
  • Fixed wrong layer name getting edited when switching maps (#1396)
  • Fixed possible crash when missing tileset images and using tile animations (#1393)
  • Compiled against Qt 5.6.2 on macOS to avoid crashes with Qt 5.7 (#1354)

Thanks a lot for the support through Patreon and on itch.io! I’m only able to keep improving Tiled because of this support. If you are not supporting me yet, please chip in towards my next goal of being able to actually afford working on Tiled two full days per week! Thanks! :heart:

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